Accessing Products

Get product informations and access them

Get Product

Access all product information via 2 calls getProducts & getProduct, the first will give you access to all products ids available in an array, where the second will give you access to a specific information based on that productId, returning info as shown below

/* Get All products */
let products = await stakingContract.getProducts();

/* Create Product Info */
let res = await stakingContract.getProduct({
  product_id : products[0] // Id

	 * @function getProduct
     * @returns {Date} createdAt
     * @returns {Date} startDate
     * @returns {Date} endDate
     * @returns {Integer} totalMaxAmount
     * @returns {Integer} individualMinimumAmount
     * @returns {Integer} APR
     * @returns {Integer} currentAmount
     * @returns {Boolean} lockedUntilFinalization
     * @returns {Array | Address} subscribers
     * @returns {Array | Integer} subscriptionIds