Creating Products

A Product mean a specific rulebook from which investors stake based on these rules.

The following call explains how to generate products based on startDate, endDate, APR, individualMinimumAmount, totalMaxAmount, lockedUntilFinalization


Only accessible by the Admin

This function is only available by the admin of the contract (the one deploying it for example), where products are created

/* Create Product */
let res = await stakingContract.createProduct({
  startDate : moment().add(1, 'minutes'),
  endDate : moment().add(10, 'minutes'),
  totalMaxAmount : 100,
  individualMinimumAmount : 10,
  APR : 5, // represents 5% yearly
  lockedUntilFinalization : false
/* Check if product was created */
let products = await stakingContract.getProducts();
console.log(products.length) // 1



If lockedUntilFinalization == true means that investors who stake their tokens can only withdraw the principal + interest at the endDate, if equals false investors can withdraw at any time after the startDate